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[AA-005-5] Imitation & Innovation   

Quatremere de Quincy A Definition of Imitation

Lucien Steil On Imitation

Jose Ignacio Linazosoro The Theory and Practice of Imitation

Jean-Philippe Garric The Imitative Being

Robert Adam The Paradox of Imitation and Originality

Robert Stern Design as Emulation

Two Recent Projects

Duany and Plater-Zyberk Houses in Florida and Texas

Liam O'Commor Institute of the Arts, Rome

Quinlan Terry Richmond Riverside

Allan Greenberg Thoughts on Freedom and Imitation

Connecticut Farmhouse

Leon Krier Projects in Florida and Amiens

Leon Krier and Rita Wolff A Promenade in Luxembourg

Arndt, Malmquist and Skoogh Bryggaren, Stockholm

Dieter Baumewerd Billerbeck Housing Project

Mark Hewitt Country House at Peacock Point, Long Island

Iniguez and Ustarroz Faculty Building at the University of the Basque Country

Hammond Beeby and Babka Hole-in-the-Wall Gang Camp

Cenicacelaya and Salona Rural Centre at La Rigada, Muskiz

John Simpson Pternoster Redevelopment Project
原價 : $ 600
特惠價 : $ 360
ISBN : 0-85670-932-8 編作譯者 : AD
規格 : 81頁/平裝
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